Lawn Party and Food Trucks Clover Ave Elementary School July 31, 2014

Clover Avenue Elementary School in West Los Angeles will be hosting some of Los Angeles’ finest food trucks on Thursday July 31, 2014. This month’s mid summer celebration and lawn party will not only have great food but also some backyard games for everyone to enjoy. The monthly fundraiser takes place every last Thursday of the month.

Got Food Trucks is pleased to bring you the following food trucks for this event, including monthly resident The Greasy Wiener with this month’s guests:  Mandoline Grill, The Lobos Truck and Chunk n Chip. There will be something for everyone including hot dogs, sausages, burgers, wings, fries, Vietnamese fusion, ice cream, cookies and veggie options!

A portion of sales from the food trucks go towards the incoming 5th grade class to attend AstroCamp (a science camp). Find the trucks out by the front lawn, be sure to bring your blankets and lawn chairs to dine al fresco with your best classmates, neighbors and community. All are welcome to attend, eat and have a blast, you’ll feel good about it, too your dollars go towards a great cause!

When: Thursday July 31, 2014

What Time: 5-8:30pm

Where: Clover Avenue Elementary School

11020 Clover Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90034


los angeles food trucks summer outdoor parties

Food Truck Mid Summer Celebration Event Short Ave Elementary July 16, 2014

The food truck fiesta series at Short Avenue Elementary School in Los Angeles continues through the summer and returns to the Marina Del Rey neighborhood school on Wednesday July 16, 2014 with a mid summer celebration.  The Food Truck Fiesta will feature some of Los Angeles’ finest food trucks that will be donating a portion of their sales to the Friends of Short Avenue Non Profit group.

The Food Truck Fiesta will have a little bit of something for everyone including hot dogs, bbq, burgers, vegetarian options, ice cream and more, the perfect food items to celebrate summer! In conjunction with Got Food Trucks, we are pleased to announce this month’s participating all star food truck line up: Peaches Smokehouse and Southern KitchenThe Greasy Wiener and CVT Soft Serve.

Find the trucks out by the front lawn, be sure to bring your blankets and lawn chairs to dine al fresco with your best classmates, neighbors and community. We’ll also have a few backyard games set up for the kids and adults to play with to keep yourselves entertained and build up an appetite! All are welcome to attend, eat and have a blast, you’ll feel good about it, too your dollars go to a great cause! This event is free for all to attend!

When: Wednesday July 16, 2014

What Time: 5-8pm

Where: Short Avenue Elementary School

12814 Maxella Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90066


For more information on Short Avenue Elementary

los angeles food truck events fundraiser